With KASCADE we have been reconstructing energy spectra and mass composition for five elements representing different mass groups of primary cosmic ray particles, and for photons, using 6 different high energy hadronic interaction models and thus helped the model builders to improve their hadronic interaction models. All the models used are implemented in CORSIKA ( COsmic Ray event SImulation for KAscade) which has been written especially for KASCADE and extended since then to become the standard simulation package in the field of cosmic ray air shower simulations.
Basically, the same applies to the COMBINED data analysis. Here the detector responses from KASCADE and GRANDE detectors were brought together and combined for a joint analysis. For COMBINED, however, only the latest high-energy models were published here, which were used as bases for our data analyses
By publishing these simulation data sets we offer the unique opportunity to compare measured data directly with simulations because both are generated in the same way i.e. using the same analysis framework with the same quality cuts applied.
Simulating air showers for KASCADE is a three-phase procedure:
CORSIKA is a detailed Monte Carlo program to study the
evolution and properties
of extensive air showers in the atmosphere. Protons, light nuclei up to iron,
photons, and many other particles may be treated as primaries. The particles are
tracked through the atmosphere until they undergo reactions with the air nuclei or -
in the case of instable secondaries – decay.
The CORSIKA program allows to simulating interactions and decays of nuclei, hadrons,
muons, electrons, and photons in the atmosphere up to energies of some 1020eV. It
gives type, energy, location, direction and arrival times of all secondary
particles that are created in an air shower and pass a selected observation level.
A variety of high- and low energy hadronic interaction models is implemented.
In KASCADE and the COMBINED simulations we are using up to six high energy models
from three different model families:
and one low energy model
invoked when the energy of the tracked particle Elab is below 200 GeV.
The data from these models have been made publicly available via the KCDC web portal to enable the users to perform their own mass composition analysis.
CRES (Cosmic Ray Event Simulation) is code package for the simulation of the signals / energy deposits in all detector components of KASCADE/KASCADE-Grande as response to an extensive air shower as simulated with CORSIKA. CRES has been developed, based on the GEANT3 package. CRES accepts simulated air shower data from CORSIKA as input and delivers simulated detector signals. The data structure of the CRES output is the same as from the KASCADE measurements, which means that both are analysed using the same reconstruction program KRETA.
KRETA (Kascade Reconstruction for ExTensive
reads the simulated data’s rawfz files and reconstructs the basic shower
observables, storing all the results in the form of histograms and vectors of
parameters (ntuples).
The reconstruction procedure starts from the signals/energy-deposits in all
detector components and determines physical quantities like the number of electrons,
of muons, of hadrons, hadronic energies, arrival times, track directions and so on.
It develops internally over three levels using an iterative process to come to the
final results.
For KASCADE and COMBINED, however, the internal process of data analysis within
KRETA is different (see KCDC Simulations Manual and KCDC-COMBINED Simulations Manual).
Unlike for measured data where we have calibration data like Air Temperature and
more event information like Date and EventTime, we have in simulations some additional
information on the shower properties like true primary energy and particle ID
derived directly from the air shower simulation CORSIKA or from the detector
simulation CRES. From about 200 observables obtained in the analysis of the
simulated data we choose 34 to be published in KCDC. Ten of these parameters,
called ‘Monte Carlo Information’ are representing the true shower information.
Most of the true MC parameters are derived from CORSIKA output. Only TrXc and TrYc
are taken from CRES because the shower core position is randomly chosen
within a pre-defined detector area when starting the detector simulation.
The number of electrons denote all electrons tracked down to the observation
level by CORSIKA. The same applies for the numbers of muons, photons and hadrons.
Data Format for Simulation Quantities
Var | Name | Available Data Range | Unit | Representation |
TrPE | true particle energy | 1.0e14 - 3.16e18 | eV | log10 -> 14.0 - 18.5 |
TrPP | true particle ID | 14,402,1206,2814,5626 | discret values | |
TrXc | true X core position | depending on detector | m | |
TrYc | true Y core position | depending on detector | m | |
TrZe | true zenith angle | 0.0 - 42.0 | ° | |
TrAz | true azimuth angle | 0.0 - 360.0 | ° | |
TrNe | true number of electrons | 100.0 - 1,000,000,000.0 | log10 -> 2.0 - 9.0 | |
TrNm | true number of muons | 100.0 - 100,000,000.0 | log10 -> 2.0 - 8.0 | |
TrNg | true number of photons | 100.0 - 10,000,000,000.0 | log10 -> 2.0 - 10.0 | |
TrNh | true number of hadrons | 10.0 - 10,000,000.0 | log10 -> 1.0 - 7.0 |
QGSJET (Quark Gluon String model with JETs) is an extension of the QGS model,
which describes hadronic interactions on the basis of exchanging supercritical Pomerons.
Additionally QGSJET includes minijets to describe the hard interactions which are
important at the highest energies. The most actual version is QGSJET-II-04 including
Pomeron loop and the cross-section is tuned to LHC data.
EPOS (Energy conserving quantum mechanical multi-scattering approach, based on Partons,
Off-shell remnants and Splitting parton ladders) uses the universality hypothesis to
treat the high energy interactions enabling a safe extrapolation up to higher energies.
SIBYLL is a program developed to simulate hadronic interactions at extreme high energies
based on the QCD mini-jet model.
FLUKA (FLUctuating KAscade) is a package of routines to follow energetic particles
through matter by the Monte Carlo method. In combination with CORSIKA only that part is
used which describes the low-energy hadronic interactions. FLUKA is used within CORSIKA
to calculate the inelastic hadron cross-sections with the components of air and to
perform their interaction and secondary particle production, including many details
of the de-excitation of the target nucleus.
FLUKA is invoked when the lab energy of a tracked particle drops below 200 GeV.
For KASCADE we have simulated 5 different primaried representing
5 different mass groups:
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