The data sets available via the KCDC DataShop are supplied in various file formats. Selectable by the user and depending on the quantities chosen, we offer for download:
Measured and simulated data basically have the same data format. The differences are on the one hand that event parameters such as event time, temperature and air pressure are only available for measured data, while for simulated data event information such as primary particle, true shower direction or tue number of electrons, muons and so on are available from CORSIKA and CRES simulations.
Var | Name | Available Data Range | Unit | Representation |
T | Air Temperature | -20.0 - +50.0 | °C | |
P | Air Pressure | 960.0 - 1030.0 | hPa | |
Datetime | Date & Time | 1998-05-08 - 2013-01-15 | ||
Gt | Unix Time | 894,645,350 - 1,358,242,843 | s | secs since 1.1.1970 |
Mt | MicroTime | 0 - 999,999,999 | ns | |
R | Run Number | 877 - 7417 | ||
Ev | Event Number per run | 1 - 3,000,000 | ||
UUID | Universal Unique ID |
Besides the quantities listed in the 'common data' section, the quantities from four detector components are provided in the 'KASCADE' DataShop to apply cuts on and to download.
Var | Name | Available Data Range | Unit | Representation |
E | Energy | 1.0e13 - 1.0e19 | eV | log10 -> 13.0 - 19.0 |
Xc | X-Core Position | -91.0 - +91.0 | m | |
Yc | Y-Core Position | -91.0 - +91.0 | m | |
Ze | Zenith Angle | 0.0 - 60.0 | ° | |
Az | Azimuth Angle | 0.0 - 360.0 | ° | |
Ne | Number of Electrons | 100. - 500,000,000. | log10 -> 2.0 - 8.7 | |
Nmu | Number of Muons | 100. - 50,000,000. | log10 -> 2.0 - 7.7 | |
Age | Shower Age | 0.1 - 1.48 | ||
EDeposit | Energy Deposit e/γ det | 0.0 - 30,000.0 | MeV | /station |
MDeposit | Energy Deposit μ det | 0.0 - 1000.0 | MeV | /station |
Arrival | Arrival Time | -1550. - +2550. | ns | /station |
Var | Name | Available Data Range | Unit | Representation |
Nhad | Nr of Hadrons | 0. - 511. | ||
Ehad | Hadron Energy Sum | 0.; 1.e10 - 1.e16 | eV | log10 -> 10.0 - 16.0 |
GRANDE Quantities
Var | Name | Available Data Range | Unit | Representation |
Xc | X-Core Position | -500.0 - +100.0 | m | |
Yc | Y-Core Position | -600.0 - +100.0 | m | |
Ze | Zenith Angle | 0.0 - 40.0 | ° | |
Az | Azimuth Angle G | 0.0 - 360.0 | ° | |
Nch | Number of charged part | 11111. - 1,000,000,000. | log10 -> 4.0 - 9.0 | |
Nmu | Number of Muons | 1500. - 100,000,000. | log10 -> 3.2 - 8.0 | |
Age | Shower Age G | -0.385 - +1.485 | ||
GDeposit | Energy Deposit charged | 0.0 - 100,000.0 | MeV | /station |
GArrival | Arrival Time | 1000. - 10,000.0 | ns | /station |
LOPES Quantities
Var | Name | Available Data Range | Unit | Repr |
EfieldMaxAbs | maximum atmospheric electric field | 0.0 - 50,000.00 | V/m | |
AzL_EW & _NS | azimuth of LOPES CC beam; EW & NS | 0 - 360 | ° | |
ElL_EW & _NS | elevation of CC beam; EW & NS | 40 - 90 | ° | |
CCheight_EW & _NS | amplitude of CC beam; EW & NS | 0.0 - 20.0 | μV/m/MHz | |
Xheight_EW & _NS | amplitude of X-beam; EW & NS | 0.0 - 20.0 | μV/m/MHz | |
coneAngle_EW & _NS | cone angle of wavefront; EW & NS | 0.0 - 0.1 | rad | |
NCCbeanAntennas_EW & _NS | nr of antennas contributing; EW & NS | 0 - 30 | ||
eta_EW & _NS | slope parameter of LDF; EW & NS | -0.04 - 0.11 | /m | |
eps_EW & _NS | ampl parameter of LDF; EW & NS | 0.0 - 100.0 | μV/m/MHz | |
rmsCCbeam_EW & _NS | RMS of CC beam; EW & NS | 0.0 - 20.0 | μV/m/MHz | |
Geomagnetic_Angle | angle between geomagnetic field and KASCADE shower axis | 0.0 - 120.0 | ° | |
Geomagnetic_AngleG | angle between geomagnetic field and GRANDE shower axis | 0.0 - 120.0 | ° | |
reconstruction | LOPES reconstruction done with 'A' or 'G' | 65 or 71 | A or G | |
LopesCompID | LOPES identifier | 0 or 1 | ||
envelopeTime | time of maximum envelop | -2500 - -1600 | ns | /station |
height | amplitude of pulse | 0.0 - 60.0 | μV/m/MHz | /station |
dist | distance of antenna to shower axis | 0.0 - 800.0 | m | /station |
polarization | alignment of antenna | NS or EW | /station |
info.txt | holds information on all your requests, like quantities selected and cuts applied | |
array.txt | data sets of the KASCADE quantities | |
grande.txt | data sets of the GRANDE quantities | |
calorimeter.txt | data sets of the CALORIMETER quantities | |
lopes.txt | data sets of the LOPES quantities | |
general.txt | general event information | |
row_mapping.txt | event table, information if a detector component was part of the event | |
EULA.pdf | End User License Agreement |
info.txt | holds information on all your requests, like quantities selected and cuts applied | |
events.root | root data sets for all selected quantities | |
EULA.pdf | End User License Agreement |
info.txt | holds information on all your requests, like quantities selected and cuts applied | |
events.h5 | hdf5 data sets for all selected quantities | |
EULA.pdf | End User License Agreement |
Detctor | Run Range | Time Range | Global Time Range |
KASCADE | 0877 - 7417 | 8.5.1998 - 15.1.2013 | 849,645,350 - 1,358,242,843 |
GRANDE | 4775 - 7398 | 9.3.2004 - 12.10.2012 | 1,078,741,517 - 1,350,048,472 |
Calorimter | 0877 - 5496 | 8.5.1998 - 12.10.2005 | 849,645,350 - 1,134,213,640 |
LOPES | 5417 - 6821 | 2.12.2003 - 26.10.2009 | 1,133,562,309 – 1,256,527,520 |
Besides the quantities listed in the 'common data' section, the quantities from two detector components are provided in the 'COMBINED' DataShop to apply cuts on and to download. From the detectors 'KASCADE' and 'GRANDE' only the data arrays are offered.
Var | Name | Available Data Range | Unit | Representation |
E | Energy | 1.0e15 - 1.0e19 | eV | log10 -> 15.0 - 19.0 |
Xc | X-Core Position | -500.0 - +91.0 | m | |
Yc | Y-Core Position | -570.0 - +91.0 | m | |
Ze | Zenith Angle | 0.0 - 30.0 | ° | |
Az | Azimuth Angle | 0.0 - 360.0 | ° | |
Ne | Number of Electrons | 30,000. - 1,000,000,000. | log10 -> 4.5 - 9.0 | |
Nmu | Number of Muons | 3000. - 30,000,000. | log10 -> 3.5 - 7.5 | |
Age | Shower Age | 0.15 - 1.48 |
KASCADE data arrays
EDeposit | Energy Deposit e/γ det | 0.0 - 30,000.0 | MeV | /station |
MDeposit | Energy Deposit μ det | 0.0 - 1000.0 | MeV | /station |
Arrival | Arrival Time | -1550. - +2550. | ns | /station |
GRANDE data arrays
Var | Name | Available Data Range | Unit | Representation |
GDeposit | Energy Deposit charged | 0.0 - 100,000.0 | MeV | /station |
GArrival | Arrival Time | 1000. - 10,000.0 | ns | /station |
LOPES Quantities
Var | Name | Available Data Range | Unit | Repr |
EfieldMaxAbs | maximum atmospheric electric field | 0.0 - 50,000.00 | V/m | |
AzL_EW & _NS | azimuth of LOPES CC beam; EW & NS | 0 - 360 | ° | |
ElL_EW & _NS | elevation of CC beam; EW & NS | 40 - 90 | ° | |
CCheight_EW & _NS | amplitude of CC beam; EW & NS | 0.0 - 20.0 | μV/m/MHz | |
Xheight_EW & _NS | amplitude of X-beam; EW & NS | 0.0 - 20.0 | μV/m/MHz | |
coneAngle_EW & _NS | cone angle of wavefront; EW & NS | 0.0 - 0.1 | rad | |
NCCbeanAntennas_EW & _NS | nr of antennas contributing; EW & NS | 0 - 30 | ||
eta_EW & _NS | slope parameter of LDF; EW & NS | -0.04 - 0.11 | /m | |
eps_EW & _NS | ampl parameter of LDF; EW & NS | 0.0 - 100.0 | μV/m/MHz | |
rmsCCbeam_EW & _NS | RMS of CC beam; EW & NS | 0.0 - 20.0 | μV/m/MHz | |
Geomagnetic_Angle | angle between geomagnetic field and KASCADE shower axis | 0.0 - 120.0 | ° | |
Geomagnetic_AngleG | angle between geomagnetic field and GRANDE shower axis | 0.0 - 120.0 | ° | |
reconstruction | LOPES reconstruction done with 'A' or 'G' | 65 or 71 | A or G | |
LopesCompID | LOPES identifier | 0 or 1 | ||
envelopeTime | time of maximum envelop | -2500 - -1600 | ns | /station |
height | amplitude of pulse | 0.0 - 60.0 | μV/m/MHz | /station |
dist | distance of antenna to shower axis | 0.0 - 800.0 | m | /station |
polarization | alignment of antenna | NS or EW | /station |
info.txt | holds information on all your requests, like quantities selected and cuts applied | |
combined.txt | data sets of the KASCADE quantities | |
lopes.txt | data sets of the LOPES quantities | |
general.txt | general event information | |
row_mapping.txt | event table, information if a detector component was part of the event | |
EULA.pdf | End User License Agreement |
info.txt | holds information on all your requests, like quantities selected and cuts applied | |
events.root | root data sets for all selected quantities | |
EULA.pdf | End User License Agreement |
info.txt | holds information on all your requests, like quantities selected and cuts applied | |
events.h5 | hdf5 data sets for all selected quantities | |
EULA.pdf | End User License Agreement |
Detctor | Run Range | Time Range | Global Time Range |
COMBINED | 4775 - 7039 | 8.3.2004 - 4.11.2010 | 1,078,737,914 - 1,288,872,981 |
LOPES | 5417 - 6821 | 8.3.2004 - 26.10.2009 | 1,078,737,914 – 1,256,527,520 |
The quantities from the Maket-Ani are provided.
Var | Name | Available Data Range | Unit | Representation |
Xc | X-Core Position | -30.0 - +30.0 | m | |
Yc | Y-Core Position | -14.0 - +14.0 | m | |
Ze | Zenith Angle | 0.0 - 45.0 | ° | |
Az | Azimuth Angle | 0.0 - 360.0 | ° | |
Ne | Number of Electrons | 100,000. - 1,000,000,000. | log10 -> 5.0 - 9.0 | |
Age | Shower Age | 0.2 - 1.7 | ||
date | Event Date | 19970601 - 20070322 | ||
time | Event Time | 000000 - 235959 | ||
Gt | Unix Time | 865.172.820 - 1,745,533,930 | s | secs since 1.1.1970 |
Ev | Event Number | 1 - 2 682.264 | ||
UUID | Universal Unique ID | |||
Ra | Right Ascension | 0 - 235959 | ||
De | Declination | -10.0 - +90.0 | ° | |
St | Local Siderial Time | 0 - 235959 |
info.txt | holds information on all your requests, like quantities selected and cuts applied | |
ani.txt | data sets of the Maket-Ani quantities | |
row_mapping.txt | event table, information if a detector component was part of the event | |
EULA.pdf | End User License Agreement |
info.txt | holds information on all your requests, like quantities selected and cuts applied | |
events.root | root data sets for all selected quantities | |
EULA.pdf | End User License Agreement |
info.txt | holds information on all your requests, like quantities selected and cuts applied | |
events.h5 | hdf5 data sets for all selected quantities | |
EULA.pdf | End User License Agreement |