This website and the service is part of web services of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, KIT, and legal concerns are covered by the Impressum of KIT .


Dr. Andreas Haungs

Dr. Donghwa Kang

Dr. Sven Schoo

Dr. Doris Wochele

Dr. Jürgen Wochele

Data Privacy Statement:
This site uses a local MATOMO analytics server to track usage of the website. The data are only used for site improvement and to report usage statistics for the public authorities. We declare that by no means user specific data will be passed to third party

This site is based on:

Django 3.1.4 LTS

PostgreSQL 12.6

nginx 1.18.0

Python 3.8.5

Javascript and jquery

Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

Celery 5.0.2

RabbitMQ 3.8.12

MongoDB 4.0.10

gunicorn 20.0.4

ROOT 6.22/02

Browser Compatibility:
following the statistics of w3schools

Microsoft EDGE

Firefox Version > FF22

Chrome Version > C26

Safari Version > S5

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