Display random KASCADE and GRANDE Events

The KASCADE or GRANDE events shown in these event displays represent a statistical extract from all measured data recorded by the KASCADE/KASCADE-Grande experiment between 1998 and 2013. Available are about 0.05% of the totally recorded 433 million events.

Cut regions for KASCADE in Ne and GRANDE in Nch

Event Display
You can display random events reconstructed either in the KASCADE-Array or in the GRANDE-Array.
To display an event you have to choose the detector component and a Ne in case of KASCADE or a Nch range in case of GRANDE.

The KASCADE Ne range is divided into (log10):
- low: Ne<4.3
- medium: 4.3≤Ne<5.6
- high: Ne≥5.6
The GRANDE Nch range is divided into (log10):
- low: Nch<5.4
- medium: 5.4≤Nch<6.3
- high: Nch≥6.3

Press 'Go' to display the event. Another 'Go' jumps to the next event.

'Link to this event' gives the link in the url of your browser.

[details -> EventDisplay Manual]
KCDC OPEN -BETA - VERSION QUALOR 2.1 based on: KAOS (2.0.0)